Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions applicable to The Olfactory Website (‘terms and conditions’) are applicable. By accessing and/or using the Website you agree to be bound by The Olfactory’s terms and conditions at all material times in your personal and/or representative capacity.

If you do not understand any of the terms and conditions of The Olfactory, you are encouraged to contact us and we will gladly be of assistance.  

The Olfactory makes no representations as to whether Products ordered from it are allergy-free. All persons purchasing Products from The Olfactory warrant that if they do have any allergies or sensitivities, it is their responsibility to enquire with The Olfactory. All Products are used at the User’s own risk. Should Products be on-sold, the User/Customer warrants that they have notified the prospective end-user of these terms and conditions and that such party accepts the terms thereof as far as they apply to The Olfactory.



  1. Web address: theolfactoryza.co.za (the ‘Website’)
  2. The Website is owned and operated by The Olfactory (Pty) Ltd.
  3. The main function of the Website is to provide an online platform whereby:
    1. Prospective customers can apply to The Olfactory in order to become customers and then place orders to purchase The Olfactory’s range of products which are displayed on the Website.
  4. Principle place of business: Johannesburg, South Africa
  5. Terms and conditions are accessible on the website and are available upon written request;
  6. Users may access a record of their transactions on the Website or upon request.
  7. It is recorded that The Olfactory is a supplier which supplies retailers and the general public.



By using the Website, you agree to be bound by The Olfactory’s terms and conditions at all material times.


    1. “Agreement” shall mean the Agreement set out in this document namely the terms and conditions of The Olfactory
    2. “Communication" shall mean any communication by means of electronic transmission, including by website notice, telephone, SMS, wireless computer access, email, mobile Application, USSD or similar technology or device;
    3. “Customer” means a person/entity who purchases Products from The Olfactory;
    4. “Intellectual Property Rights” shall mean any intellectual property right recognised by law including but not limited to: technology, source code/s, trade secrets, logos, systems, methods, trademarks, trade names, styles, insignia, designs, patents and copyright, and all similar proprietary rights which may subsist in any part of the world, whether registered or not.
    5. “The Olfactory” is the trading name, style and brand of The Olfactory (PTY) LTD (2022 / 823117 / 07), a private company duly registered and incorporated according to the company laws of the Republic of South Africa.
    6. “Product” shall mean goods sold or marketed by The Olfactory.
    7. “User” shall mean any person (in their personal and representative capacity) who enters the website or who uses The Olfactory products. By using the Website a User warrants that he/she is authorised to accept this Agreement and that he/she is 18 (eighteen) years of age or older, failing which the Website may only be used with a legal guardian, who accepts these terms and conditions.


  1. When a User visits the website or sends communications to The Olfactory, he or she consents to receiving communications from The Olfactory.
  2. Users agree that any agreements or correspondence sent by The Olfactory satisfies the legal requirements, inter alia the requirement that certain communications should be reduced to writing and/or signed.
  3. Registration on the Website is compulsory for Users who wish to purchase Products through the Website.
  4. Should any of the User’s details or registration information change, please inform us and provide us with updates to your personal information as soon as reasonably possible to enable us to update your information.



  1. The terms and conditions of this Agreement are applicable to Users from the moment that they access the Website,
  2. The terms and conditions that require registration, shall endure indefinitely until terminated by The Olfactory.
  3. The Olfactory may vet all Users who register on the Website and reserves its sole discretion in activating User’s registrations, which may be denied for any reason.
  4. The Olfactory does not remove registered user accounts from its systems, however a User may request to have his/her account suspended and it will no longer be able to be used again. 



  1. The Olfactory is committed to protecting any personal information that is provided to it.
  2. While using this website, information about the User may be either collected by The Olfactory or its representatives. Such information will become the property of The Olfactory.
  3. The Olfactory or its representatives may use this personal information to provide Users with information regarding The Olfactory’s Products, services, offerings, promotions or events from time to time and generally for the purposes of facilitating the marketing, sales, purchase and sale of Products.
  4. The User may request that The Olfactory or its representatives cease sending them information or request that the User’s personal information be removed from the database or mailing list at any time by e-mailing the following address info@theolfactoryza.co.za
  5. The Olfactory and its representatives are not responsible for and give no warranties or representations in respect of the privacy policies or practices of any inter alia: third party and/or linked websites and/or linked application.
  6. The User may request access to any personal information concerning itself which The Olfactory holds. However, The Olfactory will not provide third parties with any personal information unless required to do so by law. The Olfactory may however provide information to its affiliates and business partners.
  7. The time periods for which The Olfactory will keep the User’s information may vary according to the use or purpose attached to the information. Unless there is a specific legal requirement requiring The Olfactory to keep the User’s information, however, The Olfactory will not keep it for longer than necessary for the purpose for which the information was collected or for which it is to be processed.
  8. Cookies: when entering the Website, information about the User, User preference and User activity may be collected stored and used by The Olfactory to improve the Websites functionality, recognize the User and their account and manage the Website. The User consents to the use of cookies for this purpose, however Cookies may be disabled by



  1. This Website is operated and controlled by The Olfactory and / or its appointed operators. The information from this Website is protected by copyright and other proprietary rights laws. No information from this site may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way without the written consent of an authorised representative of The Olfactory or the manufacturer and/or wholesaler and/or agent and/or supplier of such product or service, as the case may be. The Olfactory and / or its affiliates retain all intellectual property rights in the Products, as the case may be.
  2. Any unauthorised copying, or attempt at copying, assignment or transfer of this Agreement, may result in the immediate termination of this Agreement by The Olfactory and The Olfactory reserves the right to seek civil damages or press criminal charges, as it sees fit, without limiting any of its rights.
  3. The User is not granted a license or any other right including without limitation under any Intellectual Property Rights in or to the content of this website.
  4. The Olfactory expressly reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to remove, alter, modify, supplement and / or restrict access to the Website or any of its content for whatever reason and at any time (with or without providing notice).
  5. The User hereby ratifies, guarantees and agrees to be liable in its personal and/or representative capacity for any and all obligations entered into or assumed by others who use the information, content or services through its account or with its registration details.
  6. Should any party be of the belief that content on The Olfactory website is in violation of any Intellectual Property Rights (“violation”), such violation must be reported to The Olfactory in order that The Olfactory is able to assess the situation, contact all relevant parties and take the measures it deems to be appropriate in the circumstances. In order to assess the situation, The Olfactory requires that the following be sent to it:
    1. Identification of the alleged violation,
    2. Contact details of the reporter of the violation in the form of telephone number, email address and full name,
    3. Proof of Intellectual Property Rights,
    4. Should the reporter not be the owner of the Intellectual Property Right, we require authorization of such reporter’s right to report the violation to us.
  7. Should the aforesaid information requested above not be provided, The Olfactory is under no obligation to take any action.
  8. The Olfactory will allow representations to be made in defense of allegations made regarding violations, and reserves the right to make decisions based on the information it receives from the relevant parties.
  9. Any parties who inter alia repeatedly violate The Olfactory’s policies (as may as amended from time to time) and the Intellectual Property Rights may be suspended from using The Olfactory website permanently.



  1. The User acknowledges that registration on The Olfactory website will be strictly for the purposes of accessing Products supplied by vendors on The Olfactory website with a view to purchasing Products online through the Website.
  2. The User undertakes that its log-in and password will not be disclosed to third parties and will be used solely for personal use, and that the User will take the necessary precaution of keeping such information safe.
  3. The Olfactory shall not be liable for any security breaches occurring on the Website whatsoever, including by virtue of the negligence of The Olfactory.
  4. The Olfactory shall not be liable for any security breaches resulting in a lack of virus protection, malware, keylogger or spyware, that any User may have inadvertently installed on their device, or which may automatically install on the User’s device.
  5. It is the duty of all Users to ensure that their hardware and software is secure from threats which are found on the internet and that they back up their data regularly. The Olfactory shall not be liable for any failure to attend to the aforementioned.
  6. Upon registration to use the website, Users will receive confirmation via email.
  7. Any person that delivers or attempts to deliver any damaging code to this Website or attempts to gain unauthorised access to any page on this Website shall be prosecuted and The Olfactory reserves its rights to both institute criminal proceedings against such persona and its employer and/or claim damages for any losses or damages it incurs from such person and/or its employer.
  8. The Olfactory shall not be liable, in any manner whatsoever, for any damage, loss or liability that resulted from the use of Website content by the User or any third party who obtained any content from the User.
  9. Any User who commits any of the offences detailed in Chapter 13 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002 (“ECTA”) (specifically sections 85 to 88 (inclusive)) shall, notwithstanding criminal prosecution, be liable for all resulting liability, loss or damages suffered and/or incurred by the Administrator and its affiliates, agents and/or partners.
  10. The User agrees that, once the correct username and password relating to its account has been entered, irrespective of whether the use of the username and password is unauthorised or fraudulent, the User will be liable for payment of such order.
  11. The User agrees to notify The Olfactory immediately upon becoming aware of or reasonably suspecting any unauthorised access to or use of its username and password and to take steps to mitigate any resultant loss or harm.



  1. The User may not:
    1. copy (other than for backup, archival or disaster recovery purposes), reproduce, translate, adapt, vary, modify, lease, license, sub-license, encumber or in any other way deal with any part of the Website for any reason and in any manner, unless it is consistent with the intent and purpose of this Agreement;
    2. decompile, disassemble, hack, abuse or reverse engineer any portion of the Website;
    3. write and/or develop any derivative of the website or any other software Program based on the Website;
    4. provide access to any third party;
    5. remove any identification, trademark, copyright or other notices from the Website;
    6. use the Website for any reason other than what The Olfactory intended it to be used for;
    7. post or transmit, by means of reviews, comments, suggestions, ideas, questions or other information through the Website, any content which is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, profane or hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable content of any kind.
  2. Save for application of the terms and conditions herein, The Olfactory shall not be responsible to guide or supervise the User whatsoever, the User is a completely independent party and at no stage shall the User be regarded to be an agent or employee of The Olfactory and may not represent any relationship of agency or employment.
  3. The User is accessing the Website using their own connectivity with access to the internet. Any charges or costs incurred are the sole responsibility of the User.



  1. The Olfactory may provide links to third party websites on the Website. These links are provided to the user for convenience purposes only and The Olfactory does not endorse, nor does the inclusion of any link imply The Olfactory endorsement of, such websites, their owners, licensees or administrators or such websites’ content or security practices and operations.
  2. While The Olfactory tries to provide links only to reputable websites or online partners, The Olfactory cannot accept responsibility or liability for the information provided on other websites. Linked websites or pages are not under, nor subject to, the control of The Olfactory. The Olfactory is not responsible for and gives no warranties or makes any representations in respect of the privacy policies or practices of linked or any third party or advertised websites on the Website.
  3. The User agrees that the Administrator shall not be held liable, directly or indirectly, in any way for the content, the use or inability to use or access any linked website or any link(s) contained in a linked website, nor for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of any dealings with, or as the result of the presence of such third party linked websites on the Website. Any dealings that the User may have with any linked websites, including advertisers, found on the Website are solely between the User and the third-party website.



  1. Apart from the provisions of sections 43(5) and 43(6) of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002, the use of any information contained on this site is at the User’s own risk, and The Olfactory and its affiliates accepts no liability for the use of and / or reliance upon and / or inability to use any information of this site, nor shall they be liable in any manner for any losses or damages of any nature resulting from the direct or indirect use of and/or reliance upon the information contained on the website or websites linked to the website. Users should always seek professional advice before taking any course of action related to information, ideas or opinions expressed on this site.
  2. All products purchased through The Olfactory website are purchased by Users entirely at their own risk, and the risk of loss, harm or damage shall not be borne by The Olfactory, or its representatives to such User whatsoever.
  3. It is the User’s responsibility to ensure that their software or hardware, as the case may be, is compatible with the Website.
  4. Should Users purchase Products on the Website, and are unable to sell same to their customers such, The Olfactory will not be held liable and has no duty to refund the User.
  5. Returns are strictly subject to The Olfactory’s returns policy, which takes into account the nature of the product and inter alia sensitive hygiene requirements.
  6. Communications expressed on this site and The Olfactory’s social media pages should not be regarded as the opinion or view of The Olfactory and The Olfactory will accept no liability resulting there from.
  7. The Website is supplied in the form preferred by The Olfactory and is not catered per the requirements of an individual.
  8. Regarding any hyperlinks provided on the Website, The Olfactory does not necessarily agree with the content thereof and accepts no liability incurred from the use of such hyperlinks.
  9. Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Olfactory, its officers, directors, employees, partners, suppliers and affiliates, from and against any losses, damages, fines and expenses (including attorney's fees and costs) arising out of or relating to any claims that the User has used the Website in violation of another party's rights, in violation of any law, in violation of any provisions of the terms, or any other claim related to the User’s use of the Website.



  1. The Olfactory shall not be liable, and the User hereby waives any claim, for any direct or indirect loss or damage (including consequential or incidental harm) caused due to the Website (or any content thereon) not being operational, accessible or fully functional for any period of time for any reason whatsoever.
  2. Use of the Website and the information contained thereon is at the sole risk of the User or prospective user.
  3. Transmission of information via the Website or the internet at large is subject to various risks, both in and out of The Olfactory’s Each User expressly accepts the risks associated with transacting or accessing the Website and/or internet.
  4. The User irrevocably and unconditionally indemnifies The Olfactory and holds The Olfactory free from any loss, damages or claims suffered of any nature which may result as a result of the use of the Website or any interruption of the Website.
  5. The Olfactory makes no warranty or representation as to the availability, accuracy or completeness of the content of the Website. The User expressly waives and renounces all rights of whatever nature that it may have against The Olfactory for any loss or damages as a result of incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate information provided on the Website.
  6. Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Olfactory , its officers, directors, employees, partners, suppliers and affiliates, from and against any losses, damages, fines and expenses (including attorney's fees and costs) arising out of or relating to any claims that the User has used the Website in violation of another party's rights, in violation of any law, in violation of any provisions of the terms, or any other claim related to the User’s use of Website.
  7. The Olfactory does not warrant that the Website or information or downloads shall be error-free or that they shall meet any particular criteria of performance or quality. The Olfactory expressly disclaims all implied warranties, including without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy;
  8. Whilst The Olfactory has taken reasonable measures to ensure the integrity of the Website and its contents, no warranty, whether express or implied, is given that any files, downloads or applications available via the Website are free of viruses, or any other data or code which has the ability to corrupt, damage or affect the operation of the User’s system;
  9. The Olfactory may use the services of third parties to provide information on the Website. The Administrator has no control over this information and makes no representations or warranties of any nature as to its accuracy, appropriateness or correctness. The User agrees that such information is provided “as is” and that The Olfactory and its online partners shall not be liable for any losses or damages that may arise from the user’s reliance on it, howsoever these may arise.
  10. The User hereby unconditionally and irrevocably indemnifies The Olfactory and agrees to hold The Olfactory free from all loss, damages, claims and/or costs, of whatsoever nature suffered or incurred by the Administrator or instituted against the Administrator as a direct or indirect result of:
    1. software, programs and support services supplied by, obtained by or modified by the User or any third party without the consent or knowledge of The Olfactory;
    2. The User’s failure to comply with any of the terms or any other requirements which The Olfactory may impose from time to time.



  1. Any information or material sent to The Olfactory will be deemed not to be confidential, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the User and The Olfactory.



  1. The User is responsible to comply with all laws, statues, ordinances and regulations pertaining to use of and access to the Website.
  2. This Website is controlled, operated and administered by The Olfactory from its offices within the Republic of South Africa. The Olfactory makes no representation that the content of the Website is appropriate or available for use outside of South Africa. Access to the Website from territories or countries where the content of the Website is illegal is prohibited. Users may not use this Website in violation of South African export laws and regulations. If the User accesses this Website from locations outside of South Africa, that User is responsible for compliance with all local laws.



  1. All copyright and other intellectual property rights in all content, trademarks, software, data, material, including logos, databases, text, graphics, icons, hyperlinks, confidential information, designs, agreements, and multimedia works, published on or via the Website (“proprietary material”), are the property of, or are licensed to, The Olfactory and as such are protected from infringement by local and international legislation and treaties.
  2. The Olfactory may reproduce, repost, quote, distribute or make use of any comments or communication or media posted onto the Website and/or its social media platforms by any User.



  1. Although The Olfactory will try its best to ensure that prices are displayed correctly, some items may be inadvertently mispriced.
  2. Should a Product be mispriced, The Olfactory reserves its right to amend incorrect pricing without notice and shall not be liable for any losses/damages incurred by any other party who may have relied on the information displayed on the Website.
  3. Should a Product be ordered, and it has been mispriced, The Olfactory may contact the User prior to dispatch and advise of the correct price. The User then has the option to:
    1. Cancel the purchase order,
    2. Purchase at the amended, correct, price.
  4. Any prices displayed on the Website or placed in the shopping basket may be subject to change, update or variation by The Olfactory without notice.
  5. Prices quoted, unless displayed otherwise:
    1. Are in South African Rands (any may be converted to another currency via payfast, costs of which will not be borne by The Olfactory);
    2. Exclude VAT,
    3. Do not include delivery charges which may be levied,
    4. Do not include any taxes or duties which may be imposed on purchase of the Product.



  1. The User is guided through the ordering process, which commences when a User selects a Product and quantity thereof. The item is then placed into an online shopping basket.
  2. The User then agrees to The Olfactory’s terms of sale, and any other ancillary documentation or agreements that may be required by The Olfactory in addition to these terms and conditions.
  3. The User must stipulate the address of delivery and make payment.
  4. The Olfactory relies solely on the User’s input and does not verify the correctness of the User’s information provided.
  5. Once the order is complete, a confirmation is sent and The Olfactory will deliver the Products in terms of these terms and conditions.
  6. Payments are made in terms of The Olfactory’s existing payment terms as are applicable or any amendments thereto.
  7. Although risk of the Products transfers to the User upon delivery, ownership shall vest in The Olfactory until it has been paid in full.
  8. The Olfactory may take orders telephonically, social media or via email.
  9. The Olfactory will endeavor to dispatch the Products within 3 (three) business days of order unless stipulated otherwise. The Olfactory will notify customers of closing dates and holidays which may affect timelines.



  1. All persons using Products purchased on the Website (whether purchased directly or indirectly) do so at their own risk and is fully responsible for acquainting themselves with the applicable warnings and/or instructions.
  2. The Olfactory does not warrant that Products purchased through the Website are suitable for the end-user’s needs.
  3. The Olfactory may not be held liable for any harm/damages incurred as a result of Products purchased from it. The Olfactory may only be held liable for the cost of the Product sold, but reserves its right in this regard at all times.
  4. Products must be used in accordance with instructions provided in the packaging. 



  1. The Olfactory shall not be liable, and the User hereby waives any claim, for the remission and / or refund of any payment due to the site not being operational for any period of time.
  2. The Olfactory’s prevailing exchange, returns and refunds policies shall be applicable between The Olfactory and the User which may be amended by The Olfactory from time to time.
  3. Returning incorrect products or products which were delivered by mistake:
    1. The Olfactory must be notified within 2 (two) days and will arrange collection and delivery of the correct Product;
    2. The Product must be left with its original packaging intact.
  4. The Olfactory will honour the manufacturer and/or wholesaler and/or agent and/or supplier warrantee, should same be applicable, and return or replace the Product in terms thereof. All Products returned must be in their original unopened packaging.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Returns policy:                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  5. The Olfactory is committed to preserving the hygiene requirements and standards of its Products. Due to the nature of the Products and in the interests of hygiene, Products may not be returned or exchanged.
  6. Should The Olfactory in its absolute discretion allow a return (which it is not obliged to), it will do so only to the exact same credit card which was used to pay for the product.
  7. Unopened and non-defective Products may only be returned:
    1. in the original undamaged packaging, unopened, together with proof of payment;
    2. within 7 (seven) days of purchase;
    3. cost of return is for the Customer’s account;
    4. an admin/handling fee of 15% is payable by the Customer;
    5. should the packaging be damaged, The Olfactory may either reject the return or make a further deduction of 20%;
    6. Once the Product has been returned and approved by The Olfactory, a credit voucher will be passed on to the Customer that is valid for 6 (six) months.
  8. Returning defective and/or damaged Products:
    1. The Olfactory must be notified within 7 (seven) days and will arrange collection and delivery of a replacement Product;
    2. Defects and/or damages refer to Products which were delivered in a defective and/or damages state. This does not apply to Products which have been used or used incorrectly.
    3. Should the replacement product be unavailable for any reason, The Olfactory will provide the Customer with a credit voucher, valid for 6 (six) months;
    4. Should it be found that the Product has been used and/or is not actually defective and/or damaged:
      1. A handling fee of 25% will be charged,
      2. No credit will be passed,
      3. The Customer may be barred from the Website.
  9. All Products returned are returned at the returner’s sole risk. The returner shall be obliged to prove that it has actually sent the Products back.
  10. The Olfactory has discretion to send Products returned to a laboratory for further investigations. In this instance, The Olfactory will advise the Customer of the costs involved (if applicable) and the terms thereof.
  11. All The Olfactory’s findings on returned Products shall be final and binding.



The Olfactory endeavors to adhere to delivery by the agreed delivery date set out in the applicable purchase order documentation and related documentation or in accordance the relevant agreement applicable, however it must be noted:

  1. Delivery charges may be levied on Products.
  2. The Olfactory can unfortunately never guarantee that deliveries will be on time and cannot be held liable for losses/damages caused by late deliveries;
  3. Should deliveries be urgent, you may contact The Olfactory who may be able to accommodate urgent deliveries at an additional cost.
  4. Delivery times may vary depending on location.
  5. Should there be no one to accept deliveries at the nominated address, The Olfactory may levy additional charges.
  6. Unless specified otherwise, The Olfactory will dispatch orders via courier.
  7. Deliveries outside of South Africa:
    1. The Customer warrants that it is in compliance with all laws applicable;
    2. The Customer will be charged additional courier rates and other charges as may be applicable to the order.



    Except as explicitly stated otherwise, any notices shall be given by email to info@theolfactoryza.co.za or to the e-mail address the User provided to The Olfactory, or such other address that has been specified. Notice shall be deemed given 48 (forty-eight) hours after an email is sent, unless the sending party is notified that the email address is invalid. Alternatively, The Olfactory may give you notice by registered mail, postage prepaid and return receipt requested, to the address which you have provided to The Olfactory. In such case, notice shall be deemed given 7 (seven) days after the date of mailing. The User acknowledges that all agreements, notices or other communication required to be given in terms of the law or these terms and conditions may be given via electronic means and that such communications shall be “in writing”. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, a written notice or communication actually received by a party shall be an adequate written notice or communication to it, notwithstanding that it was not sent to or delivered at its chosen address(es) for that purpose.

    The Olfactory chooses its domicilium citandi et executandi for all notices, correspondence or court process at:

    Physical address: Unit 8, One Iris, Morningside, Johannesburg

    Email address: info@theolfactoryza.co.za

    The User chooses its domicilium citandi et executandi as the email address It registers with.



    1. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa, notwithstanding the location that the User accesses or uses the website from.
    2. The Olfactory shall nevertheless have the right to institute proceedings in any other competent court which may otherwise have jurisdiction should it choose.



    This Agreement (together with the policies of The Olfactory, and agreements a/or amendments thereto and terms of sale and/or amendments thereto, other ancillary documentation, the terms of any purchase order together with product manufacture warrantees, as the case may be) constitutes the entire Agreement between The Olfactory and the User with regard to the use of the content and this website.



    If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable or contrary to any law for any reason, that provision is fully severable from the remaining provisions of this Agreement. Such invalid or unenforceable parts shall be considered pro non scripto.


    23. GENERAL

    1. Any relaxation of the terms of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or novation of The Olfactory’s rights unless reduced to writing and signed by a director of it.
    2. The Olfactory may modify its website, website content and these terms and conditions at any time. Modifications will be provided by notice via email to registered Users or by publishing the changes on the Website. Nevertheless, it is the User’s duty to acquaint itself with the contents of the website’s terms and conditions and be aware that same may change from time to time at the discretion of The Olfactory.
    3. The User may not cede or assign its rights in terms of this Agreement without the prior written consent of Olfactory, which may be withheld.
    4. The Olfactory may record any correspondence with Users (whether telephonic, electronic or otherwise) but has full discretion whether to store such recordings.
    5. The Olfactory does not guarantee continuous, uninterrupted or secure access to the Website, as operation of the Website may be interfered with as a result of a number of factors which are outside of The Olfactory control.
    6. Words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, and words importing the masculine gender shall include females and words importing persons shall include partnerships and corporate and unincorporated entities.



    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Terms and Conditions:

    1. Any product which is marked ‘Parallel or Grey’ import (or there is reference to ‘Parallel or Grey’ import on the Website): means that it has been imported without the approval, or license of the registered owner of the trademark and therefore no guarantee or warranty in respect of such goods will be honoured or fulfilled by any official or licensed importer of such product.
    2. Any warranty claims will be covered by The Olfactory or the relevant third-party seller, in accordance with our standard return/refund policy.
    3. Where no warranty period has been indicated, a period of 6 (six) months warranty shall apply from date of the purchase receipt.
